General information
- Welcome to the Instrumentation and Bioengineering LAB - TIC services eng (9-2021)
- Data protection manual of the UPC cat (10-2014)
- Instrumentation and Bioengineering LAB rules cat eng (6-2022)
- Enrollment of a new user
The concerned person or their tutor must provide the following form to the technical staff of the laboratory (alfonso.mendez at
(use save target as) cat eng (4-2023)
You will receive an email with your account data and a notification to sign the acceptance form provided by technical staff.
- Equipment loan es cat (2-2018)
Purchase procedure
- Laboratory procurement process cat (6-2022)
- Rules of accomplishment of the "Projecte de fi de carrera" cat (10-2014)
- Rules of accomplishment of the "Treball de fi de grau (TFG)" cat (10-2014)
- Guidelines for the realization of the memory of the "Projecte final de carrera" cat (10-2017)
- Memory template of the "Projecte de fi de carrera" cat (3-2012)
- Procedure deposit "Projecte fi de carrera" cat (3-2012)
- General academics standards at the UPC cat (10-2017)