I was born in Manzanares (Ciudad Real), Spain, in April 1984 altough I lived in Albacete until I was 18 years old. Then I moved to Valencia where I received the Ingeniero Superior degree in Telecommunication Engineering and the M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) (Valencia, Spain), in 2010. Currently, I live in Barcelona, where I moved in 2010 to work as a researcher within the Instrumentation and Biomedical Engineering Group from the Electronic Engineering Department at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC). In April 2015, I obtained the Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering from the same university. My research interests are focused in the development and study of bioelectrical applications, mainly in vitro Electroporation, Bioimpedance measurements in cell cultures, Bioimpedance measurements in myocardial tissue and electrical stimulation of cells.
Research interests
Bioelectrical Impedance measurements
Microelectrodes design
Cell cultures
Electrical cell stimulation
Myocardial impedance
Education & Training
2011-2015 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Barcelona, Spain.
PhD degree (Cum laude) in Biomedical Engineering. Title of the thesis "Development of devices and techniques for electroporation and electrical impedance analysis of adherent cells".
30th Sep – 31st Oct 2013 and 19th May– 30th May 2014 -- Vectorology and anti-cancerous therapeutics laboratory, UMR 8203 CNRS. Institute Gustave Roussy, Paris, France.
Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) grant from the COST TD 1104 Action - EP4Bio2Med.
21th May – 15th June 2012 -- VUB University Brussels, Belgium.
Doctoral school in “ Measuring, Modelling and Simulation of (Non)linear Dynamic Systems.
13th – 19th November 2011 -- University of Ljubljana, Eslovenia.
International SCIENTIFIC WORKSHOP and POSTGRADUATE COURSE: “Electroporation based Technologies and Treatments”.
2007 – 2010 -- Universitat Politècnica de Valencia - Universitat de Valencia. Valencia, Spain.
M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering.
2002 – 2010 -- Universitat Politècnica de Valencia. Valencia, Spain.
Ingeniería Superior en Telecomunicaciones (Telecomunication Engineering).
Tomás García-Sánchez ,María Guitart, Javier Rosell, Anna M. Gómez-Foix and Ramon Bragós. A new spiral microelectrode assembly for electroporation and impedance measurements of adherent cell monolayers. Biomedical Microdevices 16, 575-90. (2014). DOI 10.1007/s10544-014-9860-6.
Tom´as Garc´ıa-S´anchez, Beatriz S´anchez-Ortiz, Ingrid Vila,Mar´ıa Guitart, Javier Rosell,
Anna M. G´omez-Foix and Ramon Brag´os. Design and implementation of a
microelectrode assembly for use on non-contact in situ electroporation of adherent
cells. Journal of Membrane Biology. Special Issue on Electroporation Treatments
and Technologies
Tomás García-Sánchez, Beatriz Sánchez-Ortiz, Ingrid Vila,María Guitart, Javier Rosell,Anna M. Gómez-Foix and Ramon Bragós. Design and implementation of a microelectrode assembly for use on non-contact in situ electroporation of adherent cells. Journal of Membrane Biology. Special Issue on Electroporation Treatmentsand Technologies. Published online 24 July 2012. DOI 10.1007/s00232-012-9474-y.
Tomás García-Sánchez ,Benjamin Sánchez, Anna M. Gómez-Foix and Ramon Bragós. Electrical impedance measurements on electropermeabilized cells attached to microelectrodes. 6th European Conference of the IFMBE (MBEC), Dubrovnik (Croacia) 7-11 September 2014. Presented (oral presentation).
Tomás García-Sánchez ,María Guitart, Javier Rosell, Anna M. Gómez-Foix and Ramon Bragós. Gene transfer to adherent cells by in situ electroporation with a spiral microelectrode assembly. XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2013). 25-28 September, Seville.Presented (oral presentation).
Tomás García-Sánchez, Maria Guitart, Benjamin Sanchez, Javier Rosell-Ferrer, Anna M. Gomez-Foix, Ramon Bragós. Monitoring cell monolayers during electroporation: Electrical impedance spectroscopy measurements. 19th IMEKO TC 4 Symposium and 17th IWADC Workshop Advances in Instrumentation and Sensors Interoperability July 18-19, 2013, Barcelona, Spain. Presented (oral presentation).
Jesús Martínez-Teruel, Tomás García-Sánchez, Andreu Fontova, Ramon Bragós. Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy cell monitoring in a miniaturized bioreactor. 19th IMEKO TC 4 Symposium and 17th IWADC Workshop Advances in Instrumentation and Sensors Interoperability July 18-19, 2013, Barcelona, Spain.
Tomás García-Sánchez, Benjamin Sanchez, Javier Rosell-Ferrer, Ramon Bragós. Inter pulse fast electrical bioimpedance spectroscopy during in vitro electroporation of adherent cell monolayers. XVth International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance (ICEBI) and the XIVth Conference on Electrical Impedance Tomography 2013 (EIT). Poster presentation. Presented (poster).
Tomás García-Sánchez, María Guitart, Javier Rosell, Anna M. Gómez-Foix and Ramon Bragós. Automatic system for electroporation of adherent cells growing in standard multi-well plates. 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE EMBS. San Diego, CA. August 2012. Presented (oral presentation).
PCT Application. PCT/EP2012/058587."Electrode assembly for generating electric field pulses to perform electroporation to a biological sample".
Reviewer for:
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Personal interests
I love arts, specially music, I play piano, I also like theater, cinema, contemporary dance and photography. I usually spend my holidays travelling all around the world and meeting people from other cultures. One has to be as much creative in Science as people are in Arts.